27 January 2007

First Freeride Masegn-Falera

and here my Lunch @ Curnius, very lekkker, after a great ski ride

with Adi. we skied about the fourth track of the day.

First Ski Trakks in fresh Pow Pow

Laax Fresh Snow Impressions

21 January 2007

French Fries or Pommes Frites

Today, my Skisoulbrothers went skiing with french fries skis, while me, hanging out in Zurich. they hardly remember the days when it was totally gnarly to wear neon, one-piece ski suits, as the Germans from that time still do in their Bogner suits. my friends relive it all at their own 80s Ski Party in Laax. at that time I skied Kästle 205cm long.

Sonny Bono

 this is late news: I read in a blog that Sonny Bono at 62 died while skiing. He died after skiing into a tree at the Heavenly Ski Resort near South Lake Tahoe, California. 5 January 1998. I love his music.

The Two Lane White Top Fan Club Ski Wallpapers

inspired by the Chamonix Kandahar Ski Race Logo

20 January 2007

ski chicken blog

Because it’s not wrong to love (skiing)

great line!

Ski Blog.com

I wonder sometimes if I am the strange one. I look at Alta and see small crowds, massive snowfall totals, tons of powder, great vertical, tons of terrain, and the Snowbird connect. I see SLC right next door, cheap accomodations, great food, and plenty to do in the evenings in SLC. Let's not forget the proximity to the Airport. Plus if you get bored, there is Snowbird, Brighton, Solitude, etc., right there. But there are no snowboarders, which may be the best part.

Skiers versus Snowboarders - Brian Head Horror Story

This is how you know that some folks are just douches. I am talking to Cynthia, my neighbor down the hall at Brian Head. Way cool lady from Vegas who we run into most busy weekends including over Christmas and this last weekend.

Turns out that some jerks broke into her ski storage closet between Christmas and MLK weekend. Get this--they stole two Burton boards, but left about $2500 worth of skis behind. They didn't even want to waste time with the skis, just the boards.

I pulled my powder skis into the condo and brought the Burton board into the condo too. Sure, they can get stolen from the condo too, but I have double deadbolts on both the condo and the storage closet. She only had one lock. I checked my closet and some jerk with a screwdriver had tried to break into mine too.

So not to sound like a two plank wank, but why the hell do all the gear thefts involve snowboards, not skis? Oh, that is right--because skiers usually have jobs that don't involve selling dime bags to kids at the high school or working the local Chevron like my brother Jeremy does. He doesn't even get a discount on propane or gasoline as part of the benefits program. He does get free hot dogs and fountain drinks, but come on, he has to wear a monkey suit and a tie to get paid his $7.50 an hour.

Cynthia didn't have condo insurance, which double sucks. I do, so if someone steals my gear, it isn't going to hurt as bad. I left the old kids skis in the gear locker, so if you want a four year old of K2 Jr. Escapes in a 125 or a pair of crusty Rossy 109 kids skis, have at it. I hope you have fun busting into my locker and wish you well if you want to tote them down the three flights of stairs.

If you dig on stealing stuff or if you need to steal to afford your snowboarding habit, I offer three alternatives to fix the situation--charge the kids on the football team a little more for their reefer; get into the more lucrative side of theft and crime; or stop wasting your money on the ganj unless you are willing to make a career out of being a lowlife.

Disgusting. Gear thiefs are the lowest form of life their [damn that grammer and my inability to use there and their] is and I hope that karma bites you for it. I hope that you steal an avalance beacon from someone's locker and it is defective while you are in the backcountry and that a freek sluff sends you to meet the ski Gods who will punish you for your lack of faith. There is no repentence for being a gear thief and eventually the punishment will catch up with you.

19 January 2007

New Ski Boots Testing

before I hit the slopes, I first run a test in the restaurant, it's called the table dance test:

after the table dance, this is my test report: for a table dance in a Rokk n Roll manner, these boots Salomon xWave 9 pass the test: good feel, proper fit, third buckle could be longer, around the heels could be a bit tighter, inner knuckle of left foot hurts a bit. next time i test it with a Tango dance.

My Dear Ski Material Supplier

His working tools, Salomon Gun Ski

AM and his Hut way up on a Ridge, a former Swiss Army Shelter

The Master And Snowsouler

The Ski Cross Builder Worldwide

Thank You 4 Supplying me with:
Salomon Ski Tornado 178cm

XWave 9 Boots


BALLET ON SNOW Wallpapers part 2

Skisoulbrother Martin

Martin in Swiss German, genauer all in Bündnertütsch about Freeriding, Ski Touring, Wellness, Ski Technique and yeah..., just great. he emailed 2 me:

Ölla Hans,
i bin würkli au dabi xi, la Siala sunsetsession, isch schön xi und
sLiacht isch goldig xi, wia imana Traum, dr Schnee het gstübt und
dZiit isch stillgstanda, für 2min wenigstens. Sind easy dudes dr Jack
kenn i au, bin mit im in dr RS xi, dr Michi isch bi ihm xi letsch
Winter und dr Boss au, isch as Soullridercruising Gebiat. Dr Gujan dä
Schwaissjunky hani lang nüma xe, dr Hitch grad kürzlich bimana Apéro
vo minara Kollegin, er het denn vom Füara verzellt und gmaint as seg
nid immer aifach, immer unterwegs....und "jo jo so ischas, gell" het
er au xait, an zfridna Mensch , bi im hani glernt Sportklettara imana
Lager mit as paar Kidz usam Safiatal (dia segand am Butter Schmolz,
S Türli am Pazzolastock isch schön xi, shet zwar as paar Tschütsch ka
wia immer uf dem Berg, isch halt sehr beliapt, grad für dVorsaison.
Shet a guati Spuur ufa kha und a guati Fernsicht, und aba simer denn
aswo wos no kain ainziga Track ka het, im Powder, as paar schöni
Schwüng hets ge und denn bini mit mim Maitli go Wellnessa, mit zwai
Guatschii: An super Tag für ganz wenig Geld also....döt hemer üs nach
dr Sauna im Pulverschnee könna wälza und nachher hani mi guat gfühlt
so richtig guat, xund und sprüzig!
Das tönt jo guat mit am lerna Hans fiilt an dr Technik, gail nu gail,
bewusst fahra das versuach i au immer, mängmol klappts!! "very smooth
really good form" wür do dr Seth Morisson sega. Das mitam gelba Huus
und dr Usstellig isch jo a super Idee, aber eba as paar Flimser sind
eba Tschütsch, mainant si hegand an Ahnig vor Welt und vo Lifestyle
und vo Kunst, dabi sinds füdlibünzlis wo nia us dr Schwii usawürand
und denn liaber as Huus leer sto lönd als öpis neus uszprobiara, das
isch eba schad, und denn wends glich Pioniara si und kopiarend denn
alles und sind selber 0 innovativ!!!
PS: Jez han i dis Pastamenü bildlich xe, deeluxe bis uf dr Softdrink vo...
Also du i muas Güüz ge an dr DA schaffa, und Wörtli in Cömpi inatöggala:-)
Stay fresh and tuned Skipainterartistsoulrider Hans!


The Ski Splendor of Winter

in Flims Laax Falera, Jan07

Skisoulbrother Kent Hyden

Big Mountain skiing is skiing the mountain the way that God intended it to be skied (He told me)
Kent Hyden and Skiing:

we challenged our legs a little more by skiing the bumps on Solace. Then we decided to head over to the Snow Park side to check out the venue for the Freestyle International World Cup taking place being held Thursday thru Saturday. We watched a few athletes charge the bumps and practice their jumps. This weekend they compete in aerials and moguls for real at night under the lights, while the crowd jams out to live music.
Now I’m about to go off. I’m on my way to Tahoe for the X Games Qualifier. The X Games is an exiting competition offering a variety of sports with ski events such as Big Air, Slopestyle, Superpipe and Skier Cross. It will add even more excitement when Big Mountain skiing is in the mix. Then people will get to see what is really possible on a pair of skis. Big Mountain skiing is skiing the mountain the way that God intended it to be skied (He told me). Skiing natural terrain with chutes, trees, rocks, and cliffs, athletes push their physical and mental abilities to ski lines most people wouldn’t think possible. These athletes like Julian Carr and Jamie Pierre are going as big as 150 to 250 feet. I’m pretty sure the X in X Games stands for extreme. If that’s not extreme, I don’t know what is!
Check out the video. While the footage is great, this is definitely something that can be better appreciated in person, so head up to Deer Valley Friday or Saturday night to check out the moguls and aerials competition. Not only is it free to spectators, but It’s like re-living the 2002 Olympic Winter Games!

By the way, it is dumping in Utah today!

Winter Scenery Flims Laax