going up to the top of Titlis, carrying the skis on the shoulders, it's not far, but I had to pit stop twice to grasp more fresh air. I walked uphill 30-45 min. Fog above Stand, Nebelmeer auf etwa 2700m.Treat in the evening: eine schöne Persönlichkeit
listening to the James Taylor Concert in Zurich. Good performance, nice evening, he is in the words of my compagnion, an American, her words: eine schöne Persönlichkeit.he said that he doesn't speak "Schwiizerdütsch", Swiss German, that he is sorry he has to speak in English, that he did not write his songs in "Schwiizerdütsch"!!
he was not sure if he ever performed in Switzerland, he did not, hardly any american bands performed in Switzerland in the sixties or seventies. he performed this song, more than 40 years later:
two nights later he performed in Paris @ L'Olympia, the classic music venue in Paris, Edith Piaf sang there.
The Music in the sixties and seventies was originally recorded on analog equipment, in his case, on REVOX, a home brand of Zurich, a Studer company from Regensdorf near Zurich.
The resolution on analogue equipment as REVOX is much higher than what any digital has to offer. I write this, because James Taylor had on stage on the left side his old REVOX tower placed. He said, it was stacked hidden someplace, got forgotten, after a divorce he found it again and showed it off in the concert, I don't know if this REVOX is on stage in his later tour dates in Europe and the USA.
my blog's name:
The Two Lane White Top Fan Club
is a reference to his movie:
Two Lane Black Top
with Dennis Wilson and Warren Oates