Laax Vorab
Vorab Restaurant: neue elektrische heizung: eiskalt, icecold, eiskalter zug kommt von den fenstern, gar nix zum sich aufwärmen
Ray, good man, from Michigan, Moment Skis - 2011 Handmade Skis from Reno NV,
Moment exists today because years ago, nobody was listening. The industry was oblivious to the community, and when we couldn’t buy the skis we wanted, we decided to make them ourselves. We worked carefully with the best materials we could find, because breaking one meant spending days pressing out a new pair. We did it by hand, because there was no other way.
While years of practice have made us faster, the process and the passion remain the same.
Moment is growing, but please don’t call us businessmen. We are skiers. We still design, press, and test all our skis in the heart of the Sierra Nevada Range. We use the best materials available and we still do it all by hand, not because we have to but because that’s how we believe skis should be made.
The Moment line consists of 16 handmade skis, tailored to every type of riding possible
Revelstoke BC with its highest vertical in North America,
Tony Man, Claudio Ver, Martin Rag, Ogüst Pol, Andy Man, Carmen Cla, Bea, Annalies, Gion Cla, Lisa Cla